Three different illustrations; size 14.8 x 20.5 cm (A5), printed on 300 grs paper
1. Jesus is born
2. Mary, Joseph and the child, detail cut from the drawing
3. The angels are singing
Offered per set of 4 or 6 cards with white envelopes:
- set of 4 : €18
- set of 6 : €24
Shipping and handling costs
Netherlands € 6 / Europe € 9 / World € 12 - 19
To order: please provide your name, email and shipping address, number and which illustrations ( No. 1, 2 or 3) you wish to receive
Click here Contact
Any illustration by Kees de Kort can be made into a giclée or piezograph print. Piezography is a printing technique using high-quality ink on acid-free (archival) paper with intense colour vibrancy. On request, they are printed on 300 gsm paper and provided with a certificate of authenticity from Studio Kees de Kort.
Contact us for a quotation of the illustration of your choice and the desired dimensions.
Available 3 greeting cards for special occasions, for example for Easter - illustrations with the titles: 'Take this cup' 'Bartomeus can see again' and 'The prodigal son comes back to his father'.
Set of 3 cards with white envelopes €12.
Size 13 x 13 cm, printed on glossy 350 gsm paper
Shipping and handling costs: Netherlands € 6 / Europe € 9 / World € 12 - 19 + track & trace possible.
Please order via this site: include your name, email and shipping address and number of sets desired: Contact
In this exhibition, a few illustrations from six Bible stories - two from the Old Testament and four from the New Testament - are shown each time. Children and their (grand)parents are challenged to interact with each other and complete the stories. The exhibition also pays attention to Kees de Kort as an artist and the huge distribution of What the Bible Tells Us in nearly 100 languages.
Exhibition address Old or Alexander Church:
Dorpsstraat 45, 6721 JJ Bennekom
(Province Gelderland)
Link website
In June, an essay by Leendert van der Sluijs appeared in Liter, a Dutch Literary magazine, featuring 10 charcoal drawings from the book "Lebensworte - Lebensbilder" by and two photographs from 1958, from the archive of Kees de Kort.
... "As a child Kees de Kort (1934-2022) used to look at Gustave Doré's Bible illustrations, at a small Catholic school in Protestant Nijkerk. They were shown during Bible readings by a teacher, a master and a priest with a long beard. The dramatic slides left a lasting impression on him, as he himself said. More than the words, the drawings told the story."
Van der Sluijs is web editor of Liter. He studied theology at Utrecht University and is a cultural theologian pastor and pioneer. He facilitates the digital writing portal The Geoscope and he blogs, writes and poems under the pseudonym Blaise Tolky. He is host of talk show ZinTV on GooiTV.
Number 109 (volume 26; June 2023)
Link: Liter - Literary magazine (ISBN 978 90 831 7358 0 / ISSN 1388- 3143)
December 22, 2022 - May 29, 2023
Exhibition featuring traditional icons and gouaches by artist Kees de Kort depicting the birth of Jesus, Easter, Ascension and Pentecost. De Kort's works are from the series of Bible stories he made from 1964 onwards. The exhibition returns to Zierikzee as a tribute to Kees de Kort, who died in August 2022.
... read more
Town Hall Museum Zierikzee
Meelstraat 6
4301 EC Zierikzee
KEES DE KORT | IKONEN is a co-production of the Bijbels Museum in Amsterdam and Ikonenmuseum Kampen. The exhibition was previously shown at the Ikon Museum Kampen and was also the last exhibition at the Cromhout House in Amsterdam.
The exhibition was co-sponsored by: Dutch-Flemish Bible Society, Vermeulen Brauckman Foundation, Prince Bernhard Culture Fund, the Wessel Zwartsenberg Fund, sdworx and the Stadhuis Museum Zierikzee.
His picture book about the Bible has sold an estimated 33 million copies worldwide. But few know who the creator is. 'Kees did not flaunt his success. He spoke with his brushes.'
PostscriptKees de Kort (1934-2022)
However modest he was, Kees de Kort gained world fame with his Bible illustrations.
Kees de Kort became world-famous with his illustrations of the Bible. Generations grew up with his 'Kijkbijbel'. He always remained modest about it. He felt truly free when he could paint pigs.
Trouw (newspaper) September 12, 2022
Bert van der Kruk
Necrology, 24 August 2022
'Painter of Bible stories and pigs'
The "Dick Bruna of the Bible" is what Kees de Kort has been called. His colorful works became world famous.
Editor Paul Steenhuis
Link NRC Newspaper
Absolute eenvoud - De erfenis van Kees de Kort (1934-2022)
ND-25-08-2022-/ pg 1, 6+7
Hilbert Meijer+Jacolien Viveen
Lees het artikel (NL)
It is with immense sadness that we have said farewell to my father Kees de Kort, who died in Bergen on 19 August 2022. The obituary below will be published in Trouw on 27 August. The funeral will be private.
All requests for the use of Kees de Kort's images will be replied to at a later date. We kindly ask for your understanding.
- Hjalmar de Kort
What is a Kamishibai? Picture-based storytelling for children.
The Kamishibai storytelling theater consists of a wooden frame that can be set up, in which individual picture cards are placed and pulled out one after the other during storytelling. The pace of the storytelling can be adapted to the needs of the children and there is enough time and space for their own discoveries. This picture-based storytelling method is ideal for creative language development as well as for religious education.
Size: 29,7 x 42,0, Kamishibai picture cards, DIN A3, 13 picture cards, printed on one side, on strong 300g cardboard, illustrated in color, text included
Available titles: Jesus is born, Zächeus
Link Don Bosco Medien GmbH
KEES DE KORT | IKONEN - the exhibition in the Bible Museum in Amsterdam is travelling to Stadhuis Museum Zierikzee.; from December 17th the exhibition will be on display (till June 14, 2021).
In the exhibition, traditional and contemporary icons bring some important stories from Christianity to life. By placing the two forms side by side, similarities and differences become visible.
KEES DE KORT | IKONEN is a co-production of the Bibles Museum in Amsterdam and Ikonenmuseum Kampen. The exhibition was previously shown in the Ikonen Museum Kampen (2019) and was also the last exhibition in the Bibles Museum in Amsterdam.
Die Zeit Magazin is a 7-page supplement with various articles and many illustrations, among them 'The Creation according to Kees de Kort' by Daniele Muscionico (see Bref).
Christ & Welt is published by ZEIT:CREDO Verlags GmbH. Click on the link to get the attachment or send us an email to receive the PDF. (The articles are in German)
Article by Daniele Muscionico
"Day after day, for 55 years, Kees de Kort has sat in his studio in Holland and painted figures from the Bible. Hardly anyone knows him, the artist. But almost everyone knows his images from their own childhood : the Holy Family, the shepherds, the flocks of angels. Time for a portrait..."
Read article (German)
Interview with Peter Siebe
The Bible is not old, but realistic
"I grew up in Nijkerk," says De Kort between his paintings in his studio in Bergen. "The Bible told at school, by teachers and a priest with a long beard. It was a small Catholic school, because we were Catholic, in a Protestant environment. "
DB Regio 15 februari 2020 - Marjolein Elfering, photo © Erna Faust
Entire tribes of children grew up with it; the 336 colorful paintings with which he illustrated the 28 parts of "What the Bible tells us". His "Kijkbijbel" has appeared in about one hundred languages and an estimated 33 million copies have been sold worldwide. Kees de Kort is now 85 but still paints almost daily in the studio behind his home in Bergen. His work is currently displayed in the exhibition "Kees de Kort / Ikonen" in the Bijbels Museum in Amsterdam.
Every week, Trouw chooses from a museum the eye-catcher that we should not miss. Today: the iconic drawings of Kees de Kort in the Bijbels Museum in Amsterdam.
Link Trouw
Link Bijbels Museum
You are very welcome for a program with
Rieuwerd Buitenwerf, director of the Dutch Bible Society (NBG)
Liesbeth van Es, curator of Icon Museum Kampen
in the presence of Kees de Kort
(reception at 2 pm, starting at 2:30 pm - end at 5:30 pm)
The work of artist Kees de Kort (1934) is known and loved. Generations of children grew up with Bibles he illustrated. The power and simplicity of his colorful illustrations ensure that the essence of the story comes directly to the viewer. De Kort does not paint pictures with the Bible story, he paints the story. Also icons are not intended as illustrations, but made according to guidelines that have been used for centuries in the icon tradition. Kees de Kort was able to determine his own form and method and made "icons of this time" with his work.
In the exhibition KEES DE KORT | IKONEN bring these contemporary illustrations, together with traditional icons from the collection of Icon Museum Kampen, to bring important stories from Christianity to life. By placing the two forms next to each other, similarities and differences become visible.
KEES DE KORT | IKONEN is a co-production with Ikonenmuseum Kampen. The exhibition is open to the public in the Bijbels Museum in Amsterdam from 17 November 2019 to 1 June 2020. We organize special activities around various Christian holidays. For more information, see: activities
Carolien Croon, director Bijbels Museum Amsterdam
Evelien Jalving, director of the Icon Museum in Kampen
From April 9, 2019, exhibition - "Kees de Kort | Ikonen", Traditional icons and bible illustrations by artist Kees de Kort portray Christian holidays.
Kees de Kort was portrayed in 1994 by the NCRV program Miniature. Watch this broadcast below.
Link KRO/NCRV item
What happens when Kees de Kort's children's bible drawings come to hang next to age-old icons on which the same bible scenes can be seen? Then the work of De Kort also appears to be iconic.
Nico de Fijter, Trouw , April 8- 2019
Restoration triptych Jacob in facade with the Angel in GGZ Amersfoort
Link to commissions
Assignment 10 drawings for the Youth Synod, meeting 11 August 2018 in Rome.
Photo: Pope Francis at Circo Massimo, Rome, 11 august 2018.
Copyright Vatican Media
>> Showing six paintings by Kees de Kort
No one can live without food. But how often do we actually reflect on what we eat every day? With the exhibition WeAreFood, Museum Jan Cunen wants to show visitors their food in a new and unusual way. (...)
The exhibition is constructed as a diptych. The first part, on the bell-floor of the museum villa is dedicated to the pig, the symbol of the meat industry in North Brabant. The pig is illuminated from different points of view, as an animal with a great cuddliness factor, but at the same time as a rich source of food and thus also a way to make money. The well-known bronze piggy bank in the center of Oss, a gift from the banking sector, speaks volumes in this respect and plays a special role in the exhibition: every inhabitant of Oss photographed sitting on the pig, can send his or her photo to the 'Geheugen Lokaal' (Local Memory Archive) of the museum. There is also a larger than life sized golden pig and a cathedral of ham and bacon. The vision of the pig on people is also depicted. And what about a philosophy for the swine, which addresses the key question of life?
LINK Museum Jan Cunen,
>> Molenstraat 65 5341 GC OSS
Op 25 september zal deze Bijbel met tekeningen van Kees de Kort worden uitgebracht in een beperkte oplage, bij gelegenheid van zijn 80ste verjaardag en als eerbetoon aan zijn werk.
Deze Bijbel met werken van Kees de Kort bevat de complete tekst van De Nieuwe Bijbelvertaling, aangevuld met een selectie van 44 werken van de Nederlandse schilder Kees de Kort. De helft van deze werken is nog niet eerder gepubliceerd in het Nederlandse taalgebied. Kees de Kort heeft zelf de selectie samengesteld uit zijn hele oeuvre van bijbelse voorstellingen die hij maakte voor kinderen en volwassenen.
Ook is in deze bijbel een artikel van theoloog/journalist Willem van der Meiden over het werk van Kees de Kort opgenomen. Van der Meiden belicht dat werk tegen de achtergrond van de ontwikkelingen op het gebied van kinderbijbels vanaf de jaren 1960.
Daarnaast is bevat deze bijbel ook een interview van journaliste Thea Westerbeek dat zij met Kees de Kort voor deze uitgave afnam.
Uitgever NBG / Jongbloed, 2015. Hardback, Nederlands, 1700 pagina’s, € 49,95
ISBN-13: 9789065393791
Link naar uitgever
Het Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap staat dit najaar uitgebreid stil bij de 50-jarige samenwerking met schilder, ontwerper en illustrator Kees de Kort (80). In de Kruiskerk Amstelveen is de tentoonstelling ‘David & Goliat, en andere bijbeltekeningen van Kees de Kort’ te zien.
Kruiskerk, Van der Veerelaan 30a, 1181 RB Amstelveen
open woensdag, donderdag- en zaterdagmiddag, 14-17 uur
Link naar NBG
Christina Brudereck / Kees de Kort
Limitierte Vorzugsausgabe. Vom Künstler nummeriert und signiert.
Wie viele Kinder sind wohl mit der Kees de Kort-Kinderbibel aufgewachsen? Wie vielen Menschen steht sofort ein Bild des Künstlers vor Augen, wenn sie an eine biblische Szene denken? Nun überrascht de Kort mit 24 beeindruckenden Kohlezeichnungen. Er fügt den Texten der Bibel eine neue Dimension hinzu und lenkt den Betrachter auf einen Aspekt oder einen Ton, der im Text mitschwingt und den er allein vielleicht nicht entdeckt hätte. Mal fein und zärtlich, mal überzeichnet und fast grob.
1. Auflage 2013
(Limitierte Vorzugsausgabe. Vom Künstler nummeriert und signiert., Kohlezeichnungen)
gebunden / 24,5x30,0 cm / 64 Seiten / ISBN 978-3-7615-6090-7
Link Neukirchener Verlage
Für die Neuauflage hat der Künstler die Gestaltung des Buchs noch einmal komplett überarbeitet, so dass es jetzt noch deutlicher die Handschrift des Altmeisters der modernen Kinderbibel-Illustration trägt. Die kurzen, einprägsamen Texte von Hellmut Haug ergänzen Kees de Korts einzigartige Illustrationen. Auf der beiliegenden CD werden die Geschichten noch einmal vorgelesen.
Mit der Neukirchener Vorlesebibel begeistert Irmgard Weth Kinder ab 3 Jahren. Sprache und Gliederung eignen sich ideal zum Vorlesen. Die 32 prägnanten Geschichten aus dem Alten und Neuen Testament werden durch jeweils ein großformatiges, farbintensives Bild von Kees de Kort bereichert.
1. Auflage 2014 (64 farbige Bilder, davon 32 Panorama-Bilder, Sonderausgabe im verkleinerten Format, farbige Bilder) gebunden / 20,4x19,3 cm / 144 Seiten / ISBN 978-3-920524-85-6
Link Neukirchener Verlage
2. Auflage 2013 / 7,7 x 23,3 cm / 70 Teilen / ISBN 978-3-7615-6080-8
(Achtung! Nicht für Kinder unter 36 Monaten geeignet. Erstickungsgefahr wegen verschluckbarer Kleinteile. Schachtel mit Spieleanleitung. Ab 4 Jahren)
Link Neukirchener Aussaat
'De Kijkbijbel' is a collection of 28 storybooks that first appeared in separate volumes as part of the series ‘What The Bible Tells Us'. All 336 drawings published in the original books have been included in the collection; look & see – tell – read – read out loud. The texts written for the drawings are based on the original texts and not direct translations of them.
The Picture Book Bible has been translated in many languages, but unfortunately not in English yet. Click here to see the Indonesian, Frisian, German and French translations.
For more information on the series 'What the Bible Tells Us' click here
The series, ‘What the Bible tells us' has been translated into ninety languages.
Click here to see a selection of the books
‘Een Koningskind ' ('A Kings Child') is a special edition published for, and in celebration of the birth and christening of Princess Amalia, with a text following the theme of her parents wedding ceremony two years prior.